Friday, 26 August 2011

The Passenger preview

Rehearsals are going well for The Passenger at English National Opera.

This piece is humbling to all of us involved so there is a very special atmosphere in the rehearsal room - a mix of excitement, concern to get it absolutely right, and awe at the subject matter and strength of the piece.

The production is also stunning. An intelligent, grown-up show. We are all feeling the pressure to do our utmost.

After two weeks in the rehearsal room, and with three principal singers tooing and froing to other opera houses for performances, we have reached a point where the whole show is on its feet and working. The excellent, and incredibly quick, ENO chorus have take to their role with enthusiasm and attention to detail. The excitement for us all is growing.

I have had enormous fun being responsible for the production up to now. I enjoy putting a show back together for a revival, and I love being the one in charge (doesn't every director!). The original director comes next week to add his magic to the mix and I'm excited to see his reaction to this cast. I'm confident he will have lots to say, as is only right, and I am looking forward to seeing the show grow further under his guidance.

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